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Humanitarian Reflections2020-11-23T12:34:51+01:00

Humanitarian Reflections

Date: 04.02.2020
Time: 13:00 - 16:00
Location: Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA)
Rungestraße 17
10179 Berlin
Material: 2020-02-04-einladung-humanitarians-reflections-friedenswarte-1.pdf
This event has passed.

Both academics and practitioners deal with fundamental issues and challenges of humanitarian aid, such as the role of local actors, the politicisation of aid, or linkages to the peace work. While academic research in the field of humanitarian aid attempts to be practice-oriented, humanitarian practitioners are encouraged to theorize and improve their work through monitoring, analysis, and learning, thus increasing their accountability and effectiveness. However, there is rarely an exchange between scientists and practitioners on experiences and (research) results. For this reason, we would like to bring practitioners and academics together.

The Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA), together with the Institute for International Law of Peace and Humanitarian Law (IFHV) and the University of Siegen, cordially invite you to the following event:

Humanitarian Reflections
Basic humanitarian issues from the perspective of science and practice

Registration until 28.01.2020 via info@chaberlin.org

You can find the programme (in German) and all further information here.


 12:30: Light lunch

13:00: Short presentation of the “Friedenswarte”special issue by the editors Prof. Dr. Andrea Schneiker and Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul

13:15: Localisation – inputs from Ms. Lena Bledau (Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe), Prof. Dr. Ulrike Krause (University of Osnabrück) and Mr. Ole Hengelbrock (Caritas International)

14:15: Politicization – Inputs from Dr. Charlotte Dany (Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate) and Mr. Robert Lindner (Oxfam Germany)

15:00: Peacebuilding – Inputs from Dr. Kristina Roepstorff (CHA/University of Magdeburg) and Mr. Fabian Böckler (Plan International)

15:45: Final discussion

What can practitioners learn about the power relations concerning the localization? Which insights from tackling the Ebola crisis in West Africa can be transferred to the Congo? How can researchers prepare their results in such a way that practice can learn from them? How can both sides take into account the complexity of humanitarian aid, e.g. by taking into account the local actors, more field research on the ground, and differentiated terminology? We would like to discuss these and other questions at the event with the aim of jointly reflecting on fundamental issues from the perspective of science and practice.

The background of this event is the publication of the special issue “Humanitarian Aid and Humanitarian Crises” of the journal Friedens-Warte, which aims to make visible the research on humanitarian aid in Germany. Together with the editors Prof. Dr. Andrea Schneiker (University of Siegen) and Prof. Dr. Dennis Dijkzeul (Ruhr University Bochum), the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) invites to the presentation of this special issue. In the spirit of a fruitful dialogue between research and practice, the authors of the special issue and representatives of humanitarian organisations are going to provide inputs on selected priority topics (see programme schedule). This should provide the basis for subsequent joint discussion and reflection.

The event will be held in German.

An event review including a report can be found here.