Upcoming Events
Syria’s future and Germany’s contribution
08.04.2025 18:00 - 20:30Syria is dependent on international aid. But how stable and reliable is the new transitional government?
Out of the box: How to Make Humanitarian Innovation Thrive
09.04.2025 13:00 - 14:00How can lessons from past and present innovations shape a humanitarian reset and, at the same time, inform Germany’s new, incoming government?
CHA Conference 2025
25.06.2025 - 26.06.2025 all-dayThe CHA Conference 2025 will take place on 25 and 26 June 2025 in Berlin Kreuzberg with a focus on "Contested Aid - Power Shifts, Politicisation and Prioritisation". Get your Early Bird Ticket until 25 April 2025!
Past Events
Meeting of European Humanitarian Thinktanks
26.03.2025 12:00 - 14:00The network of European humanitarian think tanks HuT met again during HNPW in Geneva.
Confidential exchange with Niels Annen
25.03.2025 12:30 - 14:00On 25 March, the CHA invited its members to a confidential exchange with Niels Annen, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, on the future of German international cooperation, its institutions and resources.
Shaping Germany’s Aid
13.03.2025 18:00 - 21:00GPPi, Robert Bosch Academy and CHA invited to a confidential discussion with selected guests representing German politics, humanitarian aid and development cooperation on Germany's future role and priorities in these areas.
Launch of the Help Localisation Facility
11.03.2025 12:45 - 13:30Help - Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe launched the Help Localisation Facility (HLF), together with the German Federal Foreign Office, the Ukrainian NGO Avalist and the Centre for Humanitarian Action.
Exchange with UNICEF Regional Director Etleva Kadilli
05.03.2025 14:00 - 15:00CHA invited leading representatives of German and international aid organisations to a confidential exchange with Etleva Kadilli, UNICEF Regional Director Eastern and Southern Africa.
Out of the Box: Strategy Snacks with Ina Heusgen
27.02.2025 13:00 - 14:00What is the future of humanitarian action from Germany? How should the German government's new humanitarian strategy be implemented in times of declining funding? We discussed this with Dr Ina Heusgen, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid at the Federal Foreign Office since autumn 2024.
30.01.2025 17:30 - 22:00jobs4refugees, the Danish Refugee Council and the Centre for Humanitarian Action hosted a housewarming at our new joint office in Berlin.
Out of the box: A shrinking humanitarian marketplace
27.01.2025 13:00 - 14:00Humanitarian organisations are in the business of saving lives, not making a profit. Nevertheless, the humanitarian system does display characteristics of an economic marketplace. Is it only by addressing the economic incentives that shape the humanitarian system that progress can be made to reform it? Ralf Südhoff discussed this with Damian Lilly, Mark Bowden and Chilande Kuloba-Warria in an "Out of the box" lunch talk.
Exchange with ICRC director-general Pierre Krähenbühl
13.12.2024 15:00 - 16:00On 13 December 2024, CHA invites its members to a confidential exchange with the new ICRC director-general Pierre Krähenbühl.
CANCELLED – 11th meeting of the ARA forum
11.12.2024 11:00 - 13:00All members of the Anti-Racism Forum, as well as any new interested participants, are invited to the 11. Online-ARA-Meeting with a focus on Gaza.
The tsunami in 2004 and the lessons learned
03.12.2024 17:30 - 21:00End of December marks the 20th anniversary of the tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. In our third event on this topic, we wanted to know: How would the humanitarian response work, what mechanisms would be in place today if such a disaster happened again? What would be the current challenges?
Out of the Box: Climate finance after COP29 – what’s in it for humanitarians?
27.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00In this "Out of the box" lunch talk CHA Research Fellow Dr Iida-Maria Tammi analysed together with Sabine Minninger and Dr Gabriela Alberola the outcomes of COP29, and the challenges and opportunities related to a fair and needs-based allocation of climate funds.
CANCELLED – Out of the box: The tsunami in 2004 and humanitarian challenges
21.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00End of December marks the 20th anniversary of the tsunami catastrophe in the Indian Ocean. At our second event on this topic, we want to ask: What were the challenges for the humanitarian system back then? What has changed since then, what has been improved?
Out of the box: The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004
14.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00End of December marks the 20th anniversary of the tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. A catastrophe with dramatic consequences for the people in the region and a decisive turning point in humanitarian aid.
Second meeting of the German HDP-Nexus Community of Practice
11.11.2024 14:00 - 17:30The Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and the Centre for Humanitarian Action are jointly hosting the next meeting of the German HDP-Nexus Community of Practice.
Cancelled: Children in war and the role of humanitarian action
08.11.2024 07:45 - 09:00Boris Mijatovic (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Michael Brand (CDU/CSU) are inviting representatives from politics and humanitarian organisations to a Parliamentary Breakfast on the topic.
Meeting of European humanitarian Thinktanks
14.10.2024 14:00 - 15:30Mid-October CHA invited to another meeting of the HuT network. The meeting was held online on 14 October at 2pm.
POSTPONED: Localisation (un)fulfilled: How can we foster accountability of international actors?
14.10.2024 11:00 - 12:30In December 2023, CHA and Caritas Europa published the report ‘Unfulfilled Promises’. Ten months later, we want to review these localisation promises again in an online event.
Workshop: Scaling humanitarian innovations
10.10.2024 11:00 - 13:00How can innovations in the humanitarian system be scaled, which innovations have been successfully scaled and what were the factors for successful scaling? The CHA team presented the new project "The dilemma of innovation, efficiency and principled humanitarian action" in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office and organised a workshop.
Roundtable: Securing a structural response to fragility settings as a way to consolidate Europe’s global influence
30.09.2024 14:30 - 17:00CHA, Egmont Institute and Norwegian Refugee Council organised a follow-up workshop to the first brainstorming in July.
10th meeting of the ARA Forum
28.08.2024 17:30 - 19:00The 10th ARA Forum meeting was held in person on August 28 at 5:30 pm in Berlin Kreuzberg.
Exchange with OCHA Policy Director Hansjoerg Strohmeyer
05.07.2024 11:00 - 12:30CHA invited its members to a confidential exchange with OCHA Policy Director Hansjörg Strohmeyer.
Out of the box: EU elections’ outcome and the need for better coordinated European humanitarian aid
03.07.2024 12:30 - 13:30How might European humanitarian aid and policies evolve in the years to come? We discussed this on 3 July 2024 with Claus Sørensen (former DG ECHO) and Cecilia Roselli (NRC).
CHA Conference 2024
04.06.2024 - 05.06.2024 all-dayThe CHA Conference 2024 focused on the topic “Climate & humanitarian crises and the lack of a joint response – Needs, narratives and necessities”.
Out of the box: Strategy Snacks 4
29.05.2024 12:30 - 13:45Germany's new humanitarian strategy will be presented very soon. How important is it to prioritise key topics and resources? Ralf Südhoff discussed it with Dr. Thorsten Klose-Zuber and Philipp Rotmann.
Out of the box: Digital transformation in humanitarian action
22.05.2024 12:00 - 13:00In this "Out of the box" webinar Kristin Bergtora Sandvik (PRIO), Guilio Coppi (Access Now) and Andrea Düchting (CHA) took stock of the digital transformation of the humanitarian sector.
Risk Sharing in Humanitarian Action
18.04.2024 12:00 - 13:00On 18 April 2024 Darina Pellowska discussed a feasible scope for Risk Sharing that meaningfully involves not only local/national and international organisations, but also donors.
9th meeting of the ARA forum
17.04.2024 11:00 - 13:00The ninth meeting of the Anti-Racism Forum (ARA) took place on 17 April for members and newly interested parties.
Let’s talk about priorisation
18.03.2024 15:30 - 16:45At the European Humanitarian Forum 2024 the European humanitarian think tank network HuT invited leading humanitarian donor governments to an exchange about the new “prioritization” debate in humanitarian action.
5 Years of CHA
25.01.2024 18:00 - 23:30The CHA has turned 5 years old! Thank you to all the 130 guests who, despite strikes and adversities, came to our celebration to celebrate with us!
Humanitarian Action in a Funding Crisis
29.11.2023 16:00 - 18:00In light of the upcoming cuts in the budget for humanitarian action, Oxfam Germany and the Centre for Humanitarian Action invited to a panel discussion: Is a Feminist Foreign Policy the Roadmap to a De-colonial Future?
Out of the box: Strategy Snacks 3
15.11.2023 12:00 - 13:15What options for humanitarian diplomacy are there in Germany’s new humanitarian strategy? We discussed this with Manuel Sánchez-Montero, ACF Spain; Emma Beals, independent consultant; and Federico Dessi, Handicap International Regional Director.
The impact of policy narratives on political action: Learning from Germany’s rise as a humanitarian donor
18.10.2023 18:00 - 19:30To mark the launch of the new study "Germany’s rise as a humanitarian donor. The interplay of narratives, new foreign policy ambitions and domestic interests", the Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI and the Centre for Humanitarian Action invited to a panel discussion on the topic in Berlin.
8th meeting of the ARA forum
18.10.2023 11:00 - 13:00All members of the Anti-Racism Forum, as well as any new interested participants, are invited to the 8. Online-ARA-Meeting.
Canceled: Humanitarian situation in the Middle East
17.10.2023 12:30 - 14:00To exchange views on the current humanitarian situation and political developments in the Middle East, Philippe Lazzarini, Commissioner General of UNRWA, will be in Berlin for an exclusive lunch on 17 October.
Autumn meeting of European humanitarian thinktanks
15.09.2023 11:00 - 13:00In September, CHA invited to another online meeting of the HuT network. One of the topics were HuT plans for the European Humanitarian Forum in Brussels in 2024.
Out of the box: Strategy Snacks 2
20.07.2023 12:00 - 13:00What significance will the Grand Bargain have for Germany's new humanitarian strategy? What are the international expectations for Germany? We will discuss this with Michael Köhler, DG ECHO and newly appointed Grand Bargain Ambassador, and Susanne Fries-Gaier, German Federal Foreign Office.
Climate change and humanitarian challenges – norms, mandates, operations
13.07.2023 11:00 - 13:00A consultation workshop designed to facilitate a discussion about the effects of climate change on the humanitarian sector in the three thematic areas: norms & principles, mandates and operations.
Webinar: Digital accountability in cash and voucher assistance
12.07.2023 13:00 - 14:30New tech, old problems - can digital accountability in cash and voucher assistance help us get the basics right? Webinar in cooperation with Ground Truth Solutions and CALP Network - register here!
Out of the box: Strategy Snacks
10.07.2023 11:30 - 13:00The GFFO is currently developing a new humanitarian strategy that will apply from 2024. What are the expectations and demands of German civil society? We discussed this with Oliver Müller, Caritas international, and Alexandra Rüth, German Red Cross.
Stammtisch-Meeting of the Anti-Racism Forum
21.06.2023 17:30 - 20:00The seventh meeting of the ARA Forum will take place as a after-work "Stammtisch" in Berlin Kreuzberg.
Exchange on Germany’s next humanitarian strategy
13.06.2023 15:00 - 16:30In mid-June, CHA invites to a confidential exchange on the new German humanitarian strategy from 2024, which is currently being developed.
Validation Workshop of the Narratives Project
25.05.2023 15:00 - 17:00As part of the Narrative Project, after the completion of data collection and numerous expert interviews, initial results and preliminary findings will be presented in a workshop and it will be discussed what lessons can be learned for humanitarian communication.
CHA Conference 2023: Tackling power imbalances in humanitarian action
23.05.2023 - 24.05.2023 all-dayAt the CHA annual conference 2023, we will connect the two spheres of “digitalisation” and “localisation”, thus sparking a interlinked discussion on underlying power imbalances that shape the humanitarian sector.
Fourth meeting of European humanitarian thinktanks
11.05.2023 - 12.05.2023 all-dayIn May, as part of the SPreAD Europe project, CHA is inviting European humanitarian think tanks to another meeting in Spain, this time hosted by IECAH.
Workshop: Agile approaches in humanitarian project management
25.04.2023 09:00 - 13:00Is the expansion and testing of agile management methods in AA-funded humanitarian projects conceivable? CHA and the Federal Foreign Office invite to a workshop to discuss agile approaches in humanitarian project management.
Workshop: Climate change and humanitarian challenges – norms, mandates, operations
30.03.2023 11:00 - 13:00The workshop aims to facilitate a discussion about the effects of climate change on the humanitarian sector in the three thematic areas: norms & principles, mandates and operations.
Sixth Meeting of the ARA Forum
15.03.2023 11:00 - 13:00All members of the Anti-Racism Forum, as well as any new interested participants, are invited to our second meeting in the new format of the ARA Forum.
Online Workshop: Digital accountability & data portability
25.01.2023 10:00 - 13:00Where does the current debate on digital accountability stand in Germany and beyond? Based on a publication to be published in January 2023, these issues will be discussed in a workshop.
Fifth Meeting of the ARA Forum
30.11.2022 11:00 - 13:00All members of the Anti-Racism Forum, as well as any new interested participants, are invited to our first meeting in the new format of the ARA Forum.
CHA Annual Conference 2022: Where is the Humanitarian Turning Point?
23.11.2022 - 24.11.2022 all-dayIs it time for a „humanitarian Zeitenwende”, and what elements would be essential for this? This is the topic of the CHA annual conference in 2022.
Berlin Thought Leadership Lab
10.11.2022 15:00 - 18:00The Global Executive Leadership Initiative (GELI) and the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) invited to an exchange for German Humanitarian CEOs and leading personnel on the topic "Leadership for an Ever-Changing World".
Sustainability and Humanitarian Aid – A Fundamental Change
03.11.2022 14:00 - 15:30How could green humanitarian practice be supported by basic commitments, standards or rules? KUNO, IECAH, Groupe URD and CHA invite to a webinar discussion.
Ukraine – a test for principled humanitarian action?
18.10.2022 12:30 - 14:00Médecins Sans Frontières and the Centre for Humanitarian Action invite to a private luncheon with Dr. Christos Christou, International President, Médecins Sans Frontières on the topic principled humanitarian action in conflict contexts such as Ukraine.
European Network Retreat
06.10.2022 - 07.10.2022 all-dayIn October, as part of the SPreAD Europe project, CHA invited to another networking meeting of European humanitarian thinktanks in France, hosted by the Groupe URD.
COP27, the Climate Charter and humanitarian change: How can we expand collaboration across and beyond the humanitarian sector?
30.09.2022 12:45 - 14:15The German Red Cross and CHA invited to a luncheon with Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) on the topic; How can we work together in the humanitarian sector and beyond to strengthen climate and environmental action?
Records, setbacks and reforms – What’s the status of German humanitarian assistance?
28.09.2022 17:30 - 19:00The Federal Government's report on German humanitarian assistance abroad 2018 to 2021 is out. We took critical stock and a constructive look ahead.
Stammtisch meeting of the Anti-Racism Forum
01.09.2022 17:30 - 21:00It is time to reflect and further develop our anti-racism forum. Therefore, we cordially invite all ARA members and all interested to a Stammtisch meeting in Berlin.
Open house at the German Federal Foreign Office
20.08.2022 - 21.08.2022 10:00 - 18:00On 20 and 21 August, the CHA will be present at the Open House of the German Federal Foreign Office - with a stand and at two panel discussions.
The triple nexus in practice: challenges and proposals for the Spanish cooperation
28.06.2022 16:00 - 17:30The IECAH presents its report «The triple nexus in practice: challenges and proposals for the Spanish cooperation». CHA director Ralf Südhoff will share the German experiences with this approach.
Online Workshop: Digital Accountability
27.06.2022 09:00 - 12:00What role does digitalisation play in accountability approaches? What are the opportunities and risks that might result from using digital technologies in increasing people’s participation in humanitarian action? We will discuss this in a workshop end of June.
Workshops in Juba, South Sudan
22.06.2022 09:00 - 13:00In late June, CHA and the South Sudan NGO Forum will hold a multiple-day workshop in Juba to identify and discuss opportunities and limitations of localized project management in South Sudan.
Second meeting of European Think Tanks
16.06.2022 11:00 - 13:30Following on from the network meeting in Berlin in March, humanitarian thinktanks from Europe met again in June at the invitation of CHA and as part of the SPreAD Europe project.
Workshop: Climate Change and Humanitarian Change
16.06.2022 10:00 - 16:00In this workshop, we examined the impact of climate change on the humanitarian system, especially on the practices but also on the norms and mandates of humanitarian action, and identify the challenges and opportunities for change for humanitarian actors.
The end of neutrality?
08.06.2022 14:30 - 17:30The war in Ukraine has triggered a renewed debate on the meaning and limits of neutrality in humanitarian action. Is the humanitarian principle of neutrality an unreachable ideal?
From Solferino to Ukraine – new warfare, new humanitarian action in the 21st century?
19.05.2022 16:30 - 18:00Book Launch & Discussion with Dr Hugo Slim, author of “Solferino 21 – Warfare, Civilians and Humanitarians in the 21st Century”
New German foreign policy – new approaches for humanitarian action?
31.03.2022 14:00 - 15:30At the end of March, the new Federal Government will have completed its first 100 days in office. In view of the current situation we would like to discuss the humanitarian goals of the Federal Government.
Anticipatory action meets climate risk financing
30.03.2022 08:30 - 13:00Scaling up anticipatory action and reforming the global disaster risk financing architecture are two key approaches to addressing climate change and its impacts. How can a closer cross-silo cooperation be achieved?
Humanitarian Talk: Quality Funding
23.03.2022 14:00 - 15:00CHA and NRC invited to a Humanitarian Talk on Quality Funding as part of the European Humanitarian Forum.
Recovery in Arab Least Developed Countries
16.03.2022 10:00 - 11:30Triple Nexus and taking stock of COVID recovery efforts in Arab LDCs: Ralf Südhoff is invited to discuss at the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development (AFSD).
Third Meeting of the Anti-Racism Forum
03.03.2022 10:00 - 12:30The Anti-Racism Forum (ARA) will meet for the third time on 3 March 2022. In the third meeting, the exchange will be continued on the topic of decolonisation and racism and the perspective will be put on the entire aid system as part of the international power system.
Workshop of European Thinktanks
02.03.2022 10:00 - 15:30At the invitation of CHA and in the framework of the SPreAD Europe project, leading thinktanks from Europe met for a workshop in Berlin in early March.
Climate change – a game changer for humanitarian action?
01.03.2022 12:00 - 13:30Is climate change also a game changer for humanitarian action? CHA research fellow Andrea Steinke discusses this question with Véronique de Geoffroy, Groupe URD, and Paul Knox Clarke, Climate and Humanitarian Crisis Initiative (CHC).
Workshops in Bangladesh, Cox’s Bazar
09.02.2022 15:00 - 16:30Strengthening local humanitarian actors is one of the key challenges in future humanitarian action. The Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) invited to three confidential online workshops to identify and discuss the current possibilities and limitations of localised project management in Cox’s Bazar.
Second Meeting of the Anti-Racism Forum
15.12.2021 10:00 - 12:00The Anti-Racism Forum ( ARA) will meet for the second time on 15 December 2021. Topic: anti-racist communication in humanitarian organisations.
Online Round Table: Digitalisation
10.12.2021 10:00 - 13:00In a confidential discussion we will identify the most important opportunities and most pressing risks of digitalisation for German humanitarian actors.
CHA at the Global Dialogue Platform
09.12.2021 14:10 - 15:00From 7 to 9 December 2021, the Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action will take place. Together with WFP, CHA will co-host the panel discussion "Welcoming the experiences and perspectives of new actors in Anticipatory Action".
General assembly
06.12.2021 15:30 - 18:00On 6 December, the first general assembly of the CHA e.V. will take place - unfortunately, for pandemic reasons, as an online event.
Workshop: Localisation in practice
29.11.2021 10:00 - 18:00In this confidential workshop, the current opportunities and limitations of localised project management in humanitarian action were elaborated and discussed. The objective was to identify a concrete scope for action and critical barriers.
Options for action for humanitarian organisations after the federal election
16.11.2021 14:00 - 17:00In this workshop the vision for the future of German humanitarian action will be scaled to the period of the next legislature until 2025 and the scope for action for humanitarian organisations will be defined.
Humanitarian Action and Coloniality – Session 1: Afghanistan
28.10.2021 17:00 - 18:00Kick-off event of the new CHA event series on colonial continuities in humanitarian action. In the first session, Prof. Teresa Koloma Beck (Helmut Schmidt Uni Hamburg) and Karsten Noko (MSF) will discuss the example Afghanistan.
Conference on the Future of Syria
25.10.2021 16:45 - 18:15CHA director Ralf Südhoff will discuss "the humanitarian dilemma in Syria" together with diplomat Dr. Carsten Wieland and Fadi Krikor, the founder of the Father's House for all Nations in Altenhohenau.
Panel Discussion @HumConBerlin: Religion/faith-based organisations in humanitarian response
21.10.2021 11:00 - 12:00CHA Research Fellow Andrea Steinke will take part in a panel discussion of the Humanitarian Congress in Berlin, titled "Justice in practice – the role of religion/faith-based organisations in social protection and as a provider of services?"
Panel Discussion on Implementation of IASC Guidelines on Disability Inclusion in Syria
29.09.2021 12:30 - 14:00Handicap International and CHA have hosted a joint event on the implementation of IASC Guidelines in Syria. Almost two years after the launch of the IASC Guidelines we have discussed how these have been used in humanitarian practice and which challenges remain. International Sign Interpretation and Live Captioning (ENG) were provided.
Human Rights Film Festival: The Last Shelter
22.09.2021 20:30 - 22:30As a Forum Partner of the Human Rights Film Festival, CHA is showing the film THE LAST SHELTER.
Human Rights Forum: Humanitarian Journalism
21.09.2021 15:30 - 17:30Session with input by Ralf Südhoff, Director CHA, about Humanitarian Journalism. Objective is a better understanding of aid and storyfinding in crises regions.
Human Rights Forum: Current challenges and developments in humanitarian aid
19.09.2021 16:00 - 16:00Darina Pellowska will discuss the challenges and current reform developments in international humanitarian aid in a first session on Sunday.
Human Rights Film Festival: There once was an island
17.09.2021 20:30 - 20:30As a Forum Partner of the Human Rights Film Festival, CHA is showing the film THERE ONCE WAS AN ISLAND together with Aktion gegen den Hunger.
Workshop: German Humanitarian Aid after the Federal Election
14.09.2021 09:00 - 16:30With the Bundestag elections, a change of policy is conceivable in the area of German foreign policy. Based on four scenarios developed in advance, a workshop will explore what impact this could have on German humanitarian aid.
The Grand Bargain 2.0 and new dynamics for humanitarian reform
07.09.2021 14:30 - 16:00Discussion with Jan Egeland (NRC), Hibak Kalfan (NEAR), Susanne Fries-Gaier (German Federal Foreign Office) and Ralf Südhoff (CHA).
CHA @ European Youth Parliament
14.07.2021 16:00 - 17:30CHA is invited to the National Selection Process of the European Youth Parliament in Germany. CHA Research Fellow Darina Pellowska will be heard as an expert in the "Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs" on the topic of "Reshaping humanitarian action".
Towards a nexus that works? Joining forces in protracted conflicts
17.06.2021 15:00 - 16:30On 17 June 2021, CHA and ICRC have hosted an online event on the topic of water and sanitation in contexts of crises with linkages to the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus.
Expert Discussion 70 Years of the Geneva Refugee Convention
14.06.2021 14:00 - 16:00The Geneva Convention on Refugees turns 70. UNHCR and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP) are hosting a non-public expert event with participants from the Bundestag, ministries, civil society and research. The discussion will be facilitated by Ralf Südhoff.
Grand Bargain Conference
11.05.2021 - 12.05.2021 all-dayOn 11 and 12 May 2021, CHA is dedicating its annual conference to the future of the Grand Bargain. Registration and detailed conference agenda for the two days can be found here.
Advocacy strategies on impact of counter-terrorism measures
06.05.2021 16:00 - 17:15Humanity & Inclusion and CHA invite to a roundtable on 6 May 2021 from 16:00-17:15 CEST. Topic: Exchange on (collective) advocacy strategies on humanitarian impact of counter-terrorism measures. Further information can be found here.
CHA @ Humanitarian Leadership Conference 2021
29.04.2021 09:10 - 09:30CHA research fellow Darina Pellowska is invited as a speaker at the Humanitarian Leadership Conference. She will present the topic Managing Localisation. More information on her presentation and the 2-day conference can be found here.
Hunger Ward – 6 Years War in Yemen
25.03.2021 18:00 - 19:30Yemen is facing the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. On the occasion of the anniversary on 26 March, the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin, together with Aktion gegen den Hunger and CHA, is showing the documentary film "Hunger Ward" and invites you to a panel discussion on the current situation. More info here.
Thinking and implementing anti-racism in aid organisations
15.03.2021 09:30 - 17:00CHA is inviting staff of German aid organisations to discuss racism in humanitarian aid for a second time in a reflection workshop facilitated by the Zentrum für soziale Inklusion, Migration und Teilhabe (ZSIMT). All information here.
10 years Syria crisis – time for a new approach? Recording online now
11.03.2021 13:00 - 14:30On 11 March 2021, the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) has hosted the online panel discussion "10 years Syria crisis – time for a new approach?". Here you can re-watch a recording of the event and have a look at the media resonance that followed the event.
GIZ Brown Bag Lunch
17.02.2021 12:00 - 13:00How to address the lack of competence and capacity of German humanitarian aid on the public and civilian side? Find out more at the GIZ Brown Bag Lunch on 17 February 2021 at 12 CET with the Director of CHA Ralf Südhoff.