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CHA Conference 2023: Tackling power imbalances in humanitarian action2024-04-29T17:07:37+02:00

CHA Conference 2023: Tackling power imbalances in humanitarian action

Date: 23.05.2023 - 24.05.2023
Time: all-day
Location: Berlin and online

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Tackling power imbalances in humanitarian action – with technology and locally led management?!


The current humanitarian system has become increasingly complex, and humanitarian actors struggle with a variety of diverse crises. While humanitarian needs are exploding, financial resources have stagnated and threatened to further exacerbate the system’s power imbalances.

Digital technologies are celebrated as a key tool for overcoming the humanitarian sector’s financing crisis and making humanitarian action more effective and efficient. They have been praised for their potential to give people a voice. In parallel, humanitarian actors have been pushed to shift the system toward local leadership and locally led humanitarian responses. By improving communication and fostering equitable partnerships, both approaches claim to tackle the system’s power imbalances, and shift more power to and increase decision-making by local actors.

However, at the same time, these transformations reveal huge gaps and threaten to further exacerbate the existing power imbalances. Key principles of a digitally empowered humanitarian action, in which people are given a real voice and accountability to affected populations is improved, are missing. Further, basic principles of equitable partnership and local leadership are impeded by established hierarchies between decision-makers, international and local organisations, and affected people.

At the CHA annual conference 2023, we will connect the two spheres of “digitalisation” and “localisation”, thus sparking an interlinked discussion on underlying power imbalances that shape the humanitarian sector. And we will ask how technologies and new management models can help to boost equitable participation and people-centred programming. In doing so, we want to discuss:

• The potential of using digital technologies to transform the humanitarian system and tackle power imbalances.
• The role of digital accountability when using digital technologies in humanitarian action.
• Agile ways of working to facilitate local leadership, equitable partnership, and participation in day-to-day humanitarian action.

Discuss this with us on 23 & 24 May 2023!

We would be delighted to welcome you in person in Berlin.
However, participation will of course also be possible via Zoom.
Please note that the conference is held in English.

Accessibility and Inclusion: 
Please find an accessible version of the programme by clicking here.
The conference room and break area are wheelchair-accessible.
Additionally, live transcription in English will be provided during all panels. If you require any other accommodations to fully participate in the conference, such as sign language translation, please indicate your needs on the registration form. We kindly requested that you contacted us regarding these accommodations as soon as possible, but no later than 23 April, to allow us sufficient time to arrange for them.