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CHA Conference 20242024-06-19T12:28:49+02:00

CHA Conference 2024

Date: 04.06.2024 - 05.06.2024
Time: all-day
Location: Berlin and online

This event has passed.

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our times, affecting all sectors of society across the globe. In humanitarian terms, it translates into an exponential increase in needs, and beckons new ideas, answers, and ways of working. Yet climate change is not only a humanitarian challenge, but joint responses are lacking. Effectively addressing its causes and effects requires improved collaboration between the humanitarian and climate communities.

The aim of this year’s CHA conference was to bring people, positions, and ideas from these two communities together. The conference seeked to provide a platform for people to talk withrather than to—one another, and to improve understanding between humanitarian and climate actors. Ultimately, it is intended as reinforcing a path towards envisioning and designing an effective, forceful, and determined cross-sectoral response to the climate crisis.

The CHA Conference 2024 focused on the topic “Climate & humanitarian crises and the lack of a joint response – Needs, narratives and necessities” and took place on 4 & 5 June at bUm Berlin and online.

Please find an accessible version of the programme by clicking here.


Programme on the conference website


Recordings of the conference can be found here.

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