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Exchange with OCHA Policy Director Hansjoerg Strohmeyer2024-08-06T10:46:25+02:00

Exchange with OCHA Policy Director Hansjoerg Strohmeyer

Date: 05.07.2024
Time: 11:00 - 12:30
Location: Berlin Mitte

This event has passed.

On 5 July, CHA invited its members to a confidential exchange with OCHA Policy Director Hansjörg Strohmeyer.

The discussion focused on the Flagship Initiative and the experiences in the four pilot countries. The OCHA Flagship Initiative is a fundamental reform of humanitarian aid towards a more local and decentralised approach, more decentralised coordination in countries affected by crises and new nexus approaches.

Other topics included the international prioritisation debate in light of declining budgets and ongoing needs, as well as OCHA’s future role as a coordination institution.

Participation was by invitation only.