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Out of the box: EU elections’ outcome and the need for better coordinated European humanitarian aid2024-07-04T15:34:11+02:00

Out of the box: EU elections’ outcome and the need for better coordinated European humanitarian aid

Date: 03.07.2024
Time: 12:30 - 13:30
Location: Zoom

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European elections have resulted in the predicted swing to right wing populist parties and forces usually critical of international cooperation, aid policies and migration. This comes against the backdrop of European humanitarian governments so far being in sum the world’s No 1 humanitarian donor, and being by that in the driver seat for much needed humanitarian reform.

This raises the issue of how European humanitarian aid and policies might evolve in the years to come, and how much urgently required reforms for its better coordination can be addressed – last but not least also to counterargue right populist narratives against allegedly ineffective aid.

In this lunch talk CHA director Ralf Südhoff, author of the CHA paper “Influencer Europe”, discussed these challenges with two leading international experts on European humanitarian aid:

  • Claus Sørensen, former Director General of DG ECHO
  • Cecilia Roselli, Director NRC Geneva

We touched on questions such as:
How will the new balance of power in the EU parliament impact European humanitarian policies?
What is the impact of fragmented European humanitarian aid and which challenges need to be addressed?
What are the obstacles for better coordinated European humanitarian policies?
Which role do national and political interests play, and how can it be prevented that these gain new momentum after the elections?

Format: Zoom Event

Language: English