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Roundtable: Counterterrorism laws and sanctions regime2019-08-28T11:20:21+02:00

Roundtable: Counterterrorism laws and sanctions regime

Date: 18.09.2019
Time: 15:00 - 18:00
Location: private
Rungestraße 17
10179 Berlin
This event has passed.

In cooperation with the German branch of Action Contre la Faim (ACF), the CHA is organising a round table on the subject:

Counterterrorism laws and sanctions regime –

humanitarian implications in practice

Donor analysis and experiences from project work

The first part of the roundtable is expected to present field reports from Palestine (ACF), Syria and Kenya (NRC) and from cooperation with donors such as France and Germany (e.g. Handicap international). Besides these reports, ACF is also going to present an unpublished study on the analysis of counterterrorism legislation of international donors and its humanitarian impact.

On the basis of this study, the second part of the event will include a confidential exchange of experiences under Chatham House Rule, which could help to establish a joint NGO approach and defining possible “red lines” in the work on the ground and with potential donors.

After the roundtable, ACF invites all participants to the opening event of the Human Rights Film Festival at Kino International. “For Sana” will be screened as the opening film.

The roundtable is part of the CHA project “Shrinking Humanitarian Space“.

For further information please contact: info@chaberlin.org.

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