Date: | 08.04.2025 |
Time: | 18:00 - 20:30 |
Location: | Berlin Mitte |
Stabilisation, reconstruction and the role of a new German government in the region
The end of the Assad regime in Syria on 8 December 2024 has raised high hopes in the country and internationally.
While the population of the crisis-ridden country is focusing on reforms, economic growth and security after decades of dictatorship, a German debate on the repatriation of Syrian refugees began immediately.
At the same time, there are great concerns on the ground about a further destabilisation of the country and the region, in which the balance of power is fundamentally shifting.
The consequences of the war and the ongoing economic crisis are aggravating the humanitarian situation and necessitating fundamental reconstruction in the country: 90 per cent of the population lives in poverty, seven million people are displaced within the country and the infrastructure has been largely destroyed.
Without a doubt, Syria is dependent on international aid. But how stable and reliable is the new transitional government?
Exactly five months after the takeover by the HTS militia at the end of last year and the formation of a transitional government, we would like to discuss key questions about the future of the country and Germany’s role in the region with experts and actors in the region in a public panel discussion:
Will it be possible to stabilise the country despite the recent outbreaks of violence?
What expectations must the transitional government fulfil?
How can the population be provided with emergency supplies and long-term reconstruction be organised in parallel?
What role should Germany play in facilitating reforms and reconstruction in Syria?
What is an appropriate international balance between conditions and support?
What role do regional players, such as the currently very influential Turkey, play?
Who are potential partners in Syria?
We would like to discuss these questions with:
- Dr Tobias Tunkel, Director for the Near and Middle East and North Africa, German Federal Foreign Office
- Dr Oliver Müller, Head of Caritas Germany
- Dr Sinem Adar, Researcher, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik; co-author of the new publication ‘The Political Transition in Syria: Regional and International Interests’
- Lamya Kaddor, Member of the Bundestag (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Founding Chairwoman of the Liberal-Islamischer Bund e.V. & Board Member of DAFG – Deutsch-Arabische Freundschaftsgesellschaft e.V. (German-Arab Friendship Association)
Moderation: Ralf Südhoff, Director, Centre for Humanitarian Action e.V.
Location: Atrium in the Reinhardtstraßenhöfe; Reinhardtstraße 14, 10117 Berlin Mitte
Registration: 17:45
18:00 Welcome and keynote by Tobias Tunkel
18:20 Panel discussion
19:30 Reception with a light snack
Language & accessibility:
The language of the event is German.
Please note that the event will take place in presence and without translation into English.
The event room is wheelchair accessible. Please contact us as soon as possible if you need anything to participate.
If you are interested, please register here: