
Sonja Hövelmann in German media about USAID

Sonja Hövelmann explains on German radio deutschlandfunk what the end of USAID means for humanitarian action worldwide.

Parliament Hearing on Forgotten Crises

On December 18, CHA Director Ralf Südhoff is invited as an expert to a public hearing of the parliamentary committee on human rights and humanitarian aid in the German Federal Parliament on forgotten humanitarian crises’. Read his statement here.

Award Ceremony “Humanitarian Aid Journalism Award”

The winner of this year’s ‘Humanitarian Aid Journalism Award’ was chosen on 20 November – the laudatory speech was given by CHA Director Ralf Südhoff.

New German humanitarian strategy

Analyses and media coverage on the new  German Federal Foreign Office strategy for humanitarian assistance abroad published on 26 September.

Training course: Humanitarian action all round

Starting November 2024 CHA will offer the “Humanitarian action all round: foundations, challenges, trends” training course at the aha – academy for humanitarian action.