CHA Projects 2019-20212020-02-20T17:05:58+01:00

CHA Projects 2019-2021

Policy and strategic capacity of German humanitarian actors, Triple-Nexus and Shrinking Humanitarian Space in the Global South and in Europe: Three projects that will be implemented by the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) by 2021. What this means in detail is described below.

Policy and Strategic Capacity of German Humanitarian Action

In recent years the humanitarian aid from Germany has multiplied. The Federal Gov-ernment and German aid organizations are playing an increasingly important role in the international arena. At the same time, this raises high – and to date not completely fulfilled – expectations for German actors to continue the strategic development of its humanitarian aid as well as to effectively protect humanitarian principles internationally.

The project aims to examine the strategic and policy capacity of German humanitarian organisations from an international perspective and to develop recommendations for public and civil German humanitarian actors.

Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus in Practice

Since the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the Triple Nexus has had a high priority in the humanitarian reform debate. The declared goal of the Triple Nexus approach is to improve the linkages between humanitarian aid, development cooperation, and peacebuilding.

This project contributes to enriching the predominantly abstract Triple Nexus debate with concrete examples of local practices while looking at it from a humanitarian standpoint. The research results on the Peace Nexus will be made available in the form of country studies, a Nexus publication, and a CHA conference in the beginning of 2020. The project will be complemented by a Triple Nexus Evaluation for the German NGO Welthungerhilfe.

Shrinking Humanitarian Space in the Global South and in Europe

The internationally much-debated issue of shrinking humanitarian space is considered a fundamental challenge for humanitarian aid and its principles. So far, however, this debate is mainly concerned with the countries of the Global South.

The aim of this project is to examine the specific challenges and parallels of increasingly limited spaces for principled humanitarian action in the countries of the North and the South, with con-crete practical examples. In the context of asylum and migration policies, including sea rescue, anti-terrorism legislation and localisation, the topic will be examined and options for action will be discussed.

The CHA work programme covers the years 2019 to 2021. Here you can read who is doing research within the CHA on the respective topics.