Implications for norms, mandates and practices in humanitarian action
Climate change is influencing the debate, practice and analysis of key socio-political, security policy and economic fields in Germany and worldwide like hardly any other topic – humanitarian action is no exception. In addition to the numerous conflicts, climate change currently poses the greatest challenge to the already overburdened humanitarian system, in operational, programmatic as well as normative terms. Anticipatory, preventive and sustainable action is increasingly becoming a basic prerequisite in humanitarian aid in order to be a capable and accepted actor.
The CHA project aims to analyse the impact of climate change on the humanitarian system and in particular on norms, mandates and practices of humanitarian action, on the one hand in terms of existing and increasing challenges, and on the other hand in order to identify opportunities to fundamentally address current systemic issues and the related possibilities for change and reorientation.
Contact person: Iida-Maria Tammi
CHA Conference 2025
25.06.2025 00:00 - 23:59The CHA Conference 2025 will take place on 25 and 26 June 2025 in Berlin Kreuzberg with a focus on "Contested Aid - Power Shifts, Politicisation and Prioritisation". Get your Early Bird Ticket until 25 April 2025!
The tsunami in 2004 and the lessons learned
03.12.2024 17:30 - 21:00End of December marks the 20th anniversary of the tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. In our third event on this topic, we wanted to know: How would the humanitarian response work, what mechanisms would be in place today if such a disaster happened again? What would be the current challenges?
CANCELLED - Out of the box: The tsunami in 2004 and humanitarian challenges
21.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00End of December marks the 20th anniversary of the tsunami catastrophe in the Indian Ocean. At our second event on this topic, we want to ask: What were the challenges for the humanitarian system back then? What has changed since then, what has been improved?
5 Thoughts about Trump and Humanity
12.11.2024Whoever leads the US can have real influence on the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable in the world. Gregory Barrow offers five thoughts about the upcoming Trump administration.
Out of the box: The tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004
14.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00End of December marks the 20th anniversary of the tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. A catastrophe with dramatic consequences for the people in the region and a decisive turning point in humanitarian aid.
Out of the Box: Climate finance after COP29 – what’s in it for humanitarians?
27.11.2024 12:00 - 13:00In this "Out of the box" lunch talk CHA Research Fellow Dr Iida-Maria Tammi analysed together with Sabine Minninger and Dr Gabriela Alberola the outcomes of COP29, and the challenges and opportunities related to a fair and needs-based allocation of climate funds.
More than Money
11.10.2024CHA Conference 2024 CHAtroom Special
03.09.2024In our three CHAtroom special features on the CHA Conference 2024, we welcome Janani Vivekananda, Pınar Okur and Shashwat Saraf.
CHAtroom #17: Prioritisation in humanitarian action
27.06.2024Ralf Südhoff discusses with Hugo Slim which criteria should be used to prioritise humanitarian aid in the future.
#CHA24 Conference Review
14.06.2024From 04.06.2024 to 05.06.2024, CHA has hosted its annual conference on the topic “Climate & humanitarian crises and the lack of a joint response – Needs, narratives and necessities.” Here you will find a video gallery with the recorded sessions of the conference.
Why non-economic losses and damages matter for humanitarian aid
30.05.2024Disasters related to natural hazards like flash flood, heat waves or droughtst lead to devastating losses and damages. Not even included in the usual statistics are non-economic losses and damages (NELDs). However, they should be and they should also be part of the humanitarian discourse and interventions, argues Johanna Fipp.
CHA Policy Brief: Loss and Damage
28.05.2024Climate-related humanitarian funding — a (mine)field of opportunities
08.04.2024What opportunities and challenges does climate funding present for humanitarian organisations? Iida-Maria Tammi examines the underlying logic of humanitarian climate action and highlights the potential conflict between climate and non-climate-related humanitarian needs.
In Focus: Humanitarian action and the Climate Crisis
08.12.2023Just in time for the climate conference in Dubai, Caritas Germany has published the brochure “Humanitarian action in the face of the climate crisis”, with an introduction by Andrea Steinke.
Climate Change and Humanitarian Change
23.11.2023CHA Conference 2024
04.06.2024 00:00 - 23:59The CHA Conference 2024 focused on the topic “Climate & humanitarian crises and the lack of a joint response – Needs, narratives and necessities”.
Andrea Steinke at Médecins du Monde
18.10.2023Andrea Steinke will give the keynote speech on climate change and the challenges facing the humanitarian sector at the global general assembly of Médecins du Monde in Luxembourg.
Loss and damage – a humanitarian kairos moment
03.10.2023Could the discourse around loss and damage be the catalyst for humanitarians to drive change and reshape narrative in humanitarian action? ask Sonja Hövelmann and Andrea Steinke in this blog co-published with HPN.
Goda Milasiute at the Human Rights Forum 2023
02.10.2023On 17 October, CHA researchers Goda Milasiute and Andrea Steinke will discuss transformative approaches in the humanitarian system at the Human Rights Forum.
Andrea Steinke at the expert dialogue on climate change, protection and migration
08.09.2023On 25 September 2023, Andrea Steinke will discuss future challenges posed by climate change at the expert dialogue organised by UNHCR, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the German Institute for Human Rights.
Ralf Südhoff in German radio BR 2 on the Africa Climate Summit
07.09.2023CHA Director Ralf Südhoff comments on the results of the Africa ClimateSummit in German radio Bayern2.
Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023
04.09.2023On October 10-13, 2023, the Humanitarian Congress will take place in Berlin. CHA will be represented on the panel as well as with an information booth.
Is it right to count humanitarian aid as loss and damage?
29.08.2023How can humanitarian aid count as loss and damage but also acknowledge its insufficient contribution to compensating losses? asks Hugo Slim in this blog co-published with HPN.
Building on local knowledge and partnerships to facilitate trigger development and scale up anticipatory action
11.08.2023Sören Schneider argues for more flexible approaches to anticipatory action, in which local knowledge and partnerships can be key entry points to facilitate trigger development.
Climate change and humanitarian challenges – norms, mandates, operations
13.07.2023 11:00 - 13:00A consultation workshop designed to facilitate a discussion about the effects of climate change on the humanitarian sector in the three thematic areas: norms & principles, mandates and operations.
Article on climate change and humanitarian action in "Wissenschaft & Frieden"
02.06.2023In the current issue of “Wissenschaft & Frieden”, CHA researcher Andrea Steinke explains what possible ways she sees for humanitarian action to meet the challenges posed by the climate crisis. [German]
Is it right to prioritise fragile states in the climate crisis?
31.05.2023Could it be wrong to invest in high-risk places when the same money could be used to better and quicker effect in other places where millions of other people are also vulnerable? asks Hugo Slim in this blog co-published with HPN .
Humanitarian Leadership in a fractured world
20.03.2023On 20 March, Ralf Südhoff will speak at the European Humanitarian Forum 2023 on leadership in the humanitarian sector in relation to climate change.
Workshop: Climate change and humanitarian challenges – norms, mandates, operations
30.03.2023 11:00 - 13:00The workshop aims to facilitate a discussion about the effects of climate change on the humanitarian sector in the three thematic areas: norms & principles, mandates and operations.
Interviews with ZEIT Online, Frankfurter Rundschau and Tagesspiegel: The worst crisis year of the century
13.02.2023Ralf Südhoff talked to German newspapers ZEIT Online, Frankfurter Rundschau and Tagesspiegel about the current humanitarian situation and gave an outlook on the crisis year 2023.
The stony path of innovation in organisations and humanitarian-development interventions – a local practitioner’s view from climate change affected South Sudan
24.01.2023If innovations are proposed by humanitarian actors on the ground, they bear the risk alone. Success, on the other hand, is quickly attributed to all. Jacob Mbudzi, a frontline humanitarian and development practitioner, outlines the difficulties he faced when promoting an innovative solution to climate change-induced problems in South Sudan.
Andrea Steinke on climate change and humanitarian change at the Danish Institute for International Studies
01.12.2022On December 13 CHA researcher Andrea Steinke gives an input on climate change & humanitarian change at the Danish Institute for International Studies.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung: Drought in the Horn of Africa
30.11.2022Ralf Südhoff in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung on the catastrophic consequences of the ongoing droughts in the Horn of Africa.
Sustainability and Humanitarian Aid - A Fundamental Change
03.11.2022 14:00 - 15:30How could green humanitarian practice be supported by basic commitments, standards or rules? KUNO, IECAH, Groupe URD and CHA invite to a webinar discussion.
At a turning point - climate change and the responsibilities of humanitarian actors
17.10.2022Climate change is going to be the game change to the humanitarian world. How? By sheer necessity. There is no other way. Otherwise, the humanitarian system will be overworking its way into exhaustion and oblivion. The current international humanitarian system is not fit for purpose to stem what is coming its way.
Andrea Steinke on the state of debate on climate change & humanitarian change at the Humanitarian Assistance Coordinating Committee
25.09.2022On September 26 CHA researcher Andrea Steinke gives an input on the state of debate on climate change & humanitarian change at the Humanitarian Assistance Coordinating Committee (KoA), the central forum between the German Government, humanitarian NGOs and other institutions in Germany.
COP27, the Climate Charter and humanitarian change: How can we expand collaboration across and beyond the humanitarian sector?
30.09.2022 12:45 - 14:15The German Red Cross and CHA invited to a luncheon with Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) on the topic; How can we work together in the humanitarian sector and beyond to strengthen climate and environmental action?
CHA Annual Conference 2022: Where is the Humanitarian Turning Point?
23.11.2022 00:00 - 23:59Is it time for a „humanitarian Zeitenwende”, and what elements would be essential for this? This is the topic of the CHA annual conference in 2022.
European Network Retreat
06.10.2022 00:00 - 23:59In October, as part of the SPreAD Europe project, CHA invited to another networking meeting of European humanitarian thinktanks in France, hosted by the Groupe URD.
CHAtroom #9: Greening Aid
09.06.2022Climate change poses immense challenges to the humanitarian system - at the same time, humanitarian aid itself must become more environmentally friendly. A CHAtroom with Véronique de Geoffroy, Groupe URD, on the buzzword "Greening Aid".
Workshop: Climate Change and Humanitarian Change
16.06.2022 10:00 - 16:00In this workshop, we examined the impact of climate change on the humanitarian system, especially on the practices but also on the norms and mandates of humanitarian action, and identify the challenges and opportunities for change for humanitarian actors.
CHAtroom #8: Climate Change and humanitarian action
20.04.2022Is climate change just another humanitarian challenge or a game changer for the entire humanitarian system? In CHAtroom No.8 Paul Knox Clark, director of the ADAPT Initiative, provides answers.
Anticipatory action meets climate risk financing
30.03.2022 08:30 - 13:00Scaling up anticipatory action and reforming the global disaster risk financing architecture are two key approaches to addressing climate change and its impacts. How can a closer cross-silo cooperation be achieved?
Climate change – a game changer for humanitarian action?
01.03.2022 12:00 - 13:30Is climate change also a game changer for humanitarian action? CHA research fellow Andrea Steinke discusses this question with Véronique de Geoffroy, Groupe URD, and Paul Knox Clarke, Climate and Humanitarian Crisis Initiative (CHC).
CHA at the Global Dialogue Platform
09.12.2021 14:10 - 15:00From 7 to 9 December 2021, the Global Dialogue Platform on Anticipatory Humanitarian Action will take place. Together with WFP, CHA will co-host the panel discussion "Welcoming the experiences and perspectives of new actors in Anticipatory Action".
There are nine harvests left
17.09.2021A very worthwhile article in DIE ZEIT in the run-up to the UN World Food System Summit on 23 September explains why hunger is on the rise again worldwide. Ralf Südhoff, Director CHA has his say, criticising that also in food aid too little thought is given to when and how humanitarian action, development policy and conflict prevention should be better interlinked.
Climate Change, Disaster Displacement and (Anticipatory) Humanitarian Action: Challenges ahead
21.07.2021The impact of climate change will drastically increase the number of people displaced by disasters and extreme weather events over the upcoming decades. The authors present in this blog the challenges and the scope of work for (anticipatory) humanitarian action.