Since the 2016 World Humanitarian Summit, the Triple Nexus has had a high priority in the humanitarian reform debate. The declared goal of the Triple Nexus approach is to improve the linkages between humanitarian aid, development cooperation, and peacebuilding.
This CHA research project contributed to enriching the predominantly abstract Triple Nexus debate with concrete examples of local practices while looking at it from a humanitarian standpoint. The research results on the Peace Nexus were made available in the form of country studies, a Nexus publication, and a CHA conference on 26-27 October 2020. The project was complemented by a Triple Nexus evaluation for the German NGO Welthungerhilfe.
Contact person: Ralf Südhoff
CHA Conference 2025
25.06.2025 00:00 - 23:59The CHA Conference 2025 will take place on 25 and 26 June 2025 in Berlin Kreuzberg with a focus on "Contested Aid - Power Shifts, Politicisation and Prioritisation". Get your Early Bird Ticket until 25 April 2025!
Beyond Atrocities
25.09.2024Shlomit Stein on the untapped potential of humanitarian mediation to advance human rights.
Second meeting of the German HDP-Nexus Community of Practice
11.11.2024 14:00 - 17:30The Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and the Centre for Humanitarian Action are jointly hosting the next meeting of the German HDP-Nexus Community of Practice.
Ralf Südhoff at HDP Conference
09.01.2024On 16 January, Ralf Südhoff will speak at the HDP Conference of the Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies (bicc) on Panel 2 on the topic “Are there conditions under which the HDP should not be implemented?”
CHA Conference 2024
04.06.2024 00:00 - 23:59The CHA Conference 2024 focused on the topic “Climate & humanitarian crises and the lack of a joint response – Needs, narratives and necessities”.
Sonja Hövelmann at zif Workshop on HDP Nexus
07.11.2023Sonja Hövelmann takes part in a workshop organised by the Centre for International Peace Operations on opportunities, challenges and approaches to implementing the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus at country level.
Andrea Steinke on the Triple Nexus
24.03.2023On 27 March, Andrea Steinke will give an input on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus at Kindernothilfe.
Andrea Steinke on German national radio about Haiti
17.02.2023CHA expert Andrea Steinke talks about Haiti on German national radio’s “Weltzeit” program on February 20.
Andrea Steinke at the expert discussion of the Platform for Civil Conflict Prevention
01.01.2023On 2 February 2023 CHA researcher Andrea Steinke gives an input on the further development of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus at the online expert discussion “Rethinking Crisis Prevention – What Civilian Objectives Do We Need to Strengthen Germany’s Role in Conflict Management and Peacebuilding?”.
European Network Retreat
06.10.2022 00:00 - 23:59In October, as part of the SPreAD Europe project, CHA invited to another networking meeting of European humanitarian thinktanks in France, hosted by the Groupe URD.
The triple nexus in practice: challenges and proposals for the Spanish cooperation
28.06.2022 16:00 - 17:30The IECAH presents its report «The triple nexus in practice: challenges and proposals for the Spanish cooperation». CHA director Ralf Südhoff will share the German experiences with this approach.
Recovery in Arab Least Developed Countries
16.03.2022 10:00 - 11:30Triple Nexus and taking stock of COVID recovery efforts in Arab LDCs: Ralf Südhoff is invited to discuss at the Arab Forum for Sustainable Development (AFSD).
Germany and Mali after a troop withdrawal – a chance for principle-guided humanitarian action?
23.02.2022With the announced withdrawal of French troops from Mali, the international situation in the West African country is changing. The German decision on the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers is now pending and can be an opportunity, particularly for principle-guided humanitarian action.[German]
CHA studies Triple Nexus in the Chad Basin
29.09.2021The Centre for Humanitarian Action has been contracted to evaluate the nexus component of Plan International’s Lake Chad Programme Strategy. The project fits into the CHA work focus “Nexus in Practice” and gains insights into the practical implementation and challenges of the Triple Nexus.
Towards a nexus that works? Joining forces in protracted conflicts
17.06.2021 15:00 - 16:30On 17 June 2021, CHA and ICRC have hosted an online event on the topic of water and sanitation in contexts of crises with linkages to the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus.
The Triple Nexus in Mali: Coordination, Securitisation and Blurred Lines
22.03.2021Recordings of #CHATripleNexus conference available now
02.11.2020From 26-27 October 2020, CHA has organised the international conference “Triple Nexus in Practice – What about Peace?”. Here you can revisit the conference or if you missed a particular session, re-watch the video compilation individually.
The Triple Nexus in Practice: Challenges and Options for Multi-Mandated Organisations
22.10.2020Triple Nexus in South Sudan: Learning from Local Opportunities
21.10.2020Triple Nexus in Pakistan: Catering to a governmental narrative or enabling independent humanitarian action?
06.10.2020Interview with Dabagaï Dabagaï on the Triple Nexus
02.07.2020Dabagaï Dabagaï, Country Director of Action against Hunger in Mali, explains in this interview why she finds the peace component of the Triple Nexus problematic and how COVID-19 affects her daily work.
Recording of CHA webinar #TripleNexus online now
18.05.2020The video recording of CHA’s webinar “The Triple Nexus – Threat or Opportunity for the Humanitarian Principles?” from May 14, 2020 is online. Watch it here.
Triple Nexus – Threat or Opportunity for the Humanitarian Principles?
07.05.2020"The Triple Nexus highlights many dilemmas of humanitarian action". Interview with Andrea Steinke on the Triple Nexus
03.04.2020In this interview, which is part of the interview series “Faces around CHA”, CHA Research Fellow Andrea Steinke explains what the Triple Nexus is about and what challenges the humanitarian community is facing.
Triple Nexus - to go
30.03.2020Triple Nexus – a donor-driven dynamic?
24.03.2020Is the Triple Nexus a donor-driven agenda? CHA’s third discussion on the Triple Nexus, which took place on 10 March 2020, in cooperation with VENRO, focused on the European donor landscape. An event review.
Triple Nexus in Mali. An event review.
29.11.2019Everybody is talking about the Triple Nexus. But what exactly does it mean in practice to bring together humanitarian action, development and peace work? On November 28, the Centre for Humanitarian Action (CHA) hosted its second event on this subject. This time, Anaïde Nahikian from the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative and CHA-Research Fellow Andrea Steinke discussed the case of Mali.
CHA wins tender concerning Triple Nexus evaluation
22.08.2019CHA has won a tender from Welthungerhilfe for an evaluation concerning the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus. The evaluation fits into the CHA project “Nexus in Practice” and includes several case studies.
Triple Nexus in Practice: Minutes of the Roundtable
03.07.2019The minutes of the Roundtable discussion about the Triple Nexus (Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus) on 12/06/2019 can be read here.